A brand Identity is the visual not only the visual manifestation of a business, but is a cohesively constructed representation through digital and printed media. While a logo is an essential part of brand design, it is not the only important element of brand Identity. If a logo tells the first chapter of your business, your brand identity should narrate the entire story. Color, Typography, brand communication with their audience, products and services, and so much more create a great brand.
What I do in the Brand Identity Package is provide all that is listed so that your brand has a lasting visual identity that you can work with in the future of your business. This can allow your business to act more consistently throughout multiple online and and physical platforms in an easy to understand manner. While this includes the visuals, this also includes consistency in written form. Using specific, and unique adjectives to describe your brand creates a literal language that allows your audience to attach those words to your business.
Working with Laughin’ Creative can allow your business take that next big step, and design the story that your customers are eager to discover.
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